Acacia NILOTICA (L.) Willd. ex Del. ssp. INDICA (Benth.) Brenan.

Synonym : Acacia arabica (Lam.) Willd.
Acacia nilotica subsp. Nilotica
Mimosa arabica Lam.
Mimosa niloti
Bangla Name : Babla, Kikor.
English Name : Indian Gum-arabic Tree, Babul Tree.
Family : Mimosaceae
Disease : bowels,cough,bronchitis, diarrhoea, dysentery, biliousness, burning sensation, piles and leucoderma.
Description : A medium-sized, thorny, evergreen tree with spreading crown, thorns straight, 2-5 cm long, white. Leaves 2-pinnate, pinnae 6-12, leaflets small, 20-40. Flowers yellow, in globose axillary heads. Fruits moniliform, compressed, constricted at the sutures between the seeds.
Distribution : Bogra, Faridpur, Jessore, Kushtia, Pabna, Rajshahi also planted by the road sides and embankments throughout the country.
Chemical Constituents : The plant yields a gum containing arabin as the chief constituent. Other constituents of the gum include tannic and gallic acids, cresol (an antiseptic), methyl salicylate, complex salts of calcium, magnesium and potassium, galactose, l-arabinose, l-rhamn
Uses : Bark is anthelmintic, demulcent and astringent to the bowels, useful in cough, bronchitis, diarrhoea, dysentery, biliousness, burning sensation, piles and leucoderma, good in ascites and prolapsus ani. Gum is expectorant, tonic to the liver, antipyretic,
Habit : Tree