Acronychia PEDUNCULATA (L.) Miq.

Synonym : Acronychia laurifolia Bl.
Cyminosma pedunculata DC.
Acronychia apiculata Miq.
Clausena simplicifo
Bangla Name : Ban Jamir (Chittagong).
English Name : Clawflowered laurel, Laka wood.
Family : Rutaceae
Disease : ulcers,small-pox
Description : A small evergreen, aromatic tree. Leaves subopposite, 1-foliolate, leaflets 5-15 cm, long, oblong-elliptic or obovate, obtuse or obtusely acuminate. Cymes axillary, slender, oppositely branched, spreading, long-peduncled, corymbose. Flowers 8-18 mm diam., greenish white, fragrant. Drupe globose, very variable in size, from a pea to a small cherry.
Distribution : Forests of Sylhet, Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar and Chittaging Hill Tracts.
Chemical Constituents : Stem bark contains alkaloid, bauerenol and k-oxalate. Bark contains acrovestone, acronylin, 6-demethylacronylin, wood also contains acronylin, 6-demethylacronylin and in addition ?-sitosterol. Leaves of Sri-lanka plant contain alkaloid, kokusginine and wo
Uses : Aromatic bark is tonic, prescribed externally in scabies, sores and ulcers. The leaves are burnt near small-pox patients.
Habit : Tree