Achyranthes aspera L.
Synonym : | Achyranthes acuminata E.Mey. ex Cooke & Wright Achyranthes grandifolia Moq.Cadelaria punctata Raf. |
Bangla Name : | Apang,Upatlanga,Bilaykhamchi,Uvolengra(Chakma),Ubdanegra(Dalu),Mimang-Khachi(Garo),Upatlengra(Hajong |
English Name : | Prickly Chaff-Flower,Rough chaff tree. |
Family : | Amaranthaceae |
Disease : | Gastric, pneumonia, in bites of poisonous animal, jaundice, urinary trouble, abortion, Asthma, Asthma, bronchites, carbuncle, constipation, cough, diabetes, epistaxis, gastric tumor, gout, gynecological disease, hook worm infestation, hysteria, illhealth, |
Description : | Perennial herb (sometimes woody and somewhat suffrutescent), stems stout to very weak, distinctly to obscurely 4-angled, striate or sulcate, subglabrous to densely tomentose, the nodes ±shrunken when dry. Leaves elliptic, oblong or oval and acute or acuminate to almost round and very obtuse. Inflorescences at first dense, finally. Bracts lanceolate or narrowly deltoid-lanceolate, pale or brownish-membranousPerianth whitish or pale green to red or purple. Stamens 5, the filaments alternating with subquadrate pseudo-staminodes. Style slender.Capsule present. Seed filling the capsule, cylindrical, smooth. |
Distribution : | This species found throughout Bangladesh. |
Chemical Constituents : | Chemical analysis shows that seeds contain hentriacontane and saponin, oleanolic acid. Alkaloid Achyranthine identified as betaine lowers B.P.; depresses heart; causes vasodilation; increased respiration; spasmodic on rectal muscle; has a diuretic and pur |
Uses : | The plant is used in Gastric, pneumonia, in bites of poisonous animal, jaundice, urinary trouble, abortion, Asthma, bronchites, carbuncle, constipation, cough, diabetes, epistaxis, gastric tumor, gout, gynecological disease, hook worm infestation, hysteri |
Habit : | Herb |