Vigna MUNGO (L.) Hepper

Synonym : Azukia mungo (L.) Masam.
Phaseolus hernandezii Savi
Phaseolus mungo L.
Bangla Name : Mashkalai.
English Name : -
Family : Fabaceae
Disease : laxative, aphrodisiac, tonic, appetizer, diuretic, galactagogue, styptic, piles, asthma, leucoderma, scabies, gonorrhoea, pains, epistaxis, paralysis, rheumatism,liver and cough.
Description : A diffuse annual herb, stem 30-60 cm long, clothed with brownish silky hairs. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets 5-10 cm long. Flowers yellow in axillary racemes. Pods subcylindric, 3.8-6.3 cm long.
Distribution : -
Chemical Constituents : Seeds contain ?-glutamyl-?-glutamylmethionine, 3-(2-furoyl) alanine and L-pipecolic acid. Vitexin and ?-sitosterol have been isolated from seed coat. Seed protein of mung bean contains lysine, valine, leucine and phenylalanine. Seedling protein also conta
Uses : Seeds are laxative, aphrodisiac, tonic, appetizer, diuretic, galactagogue and styptic, useful in piles, asthma, leucoderma, scabies, gonorrhoea, pains, epistaxis, paralysis, rheumatism and affections of the nervous system, liver and cough. It is also pres
Habit : Herb