Vernonia PATULA (Dryand.) Merr.
Synonym : | Vernonia patula (Dryand.) Merr. Vernonia cinerea (Roxb.) Less. Bothriocline papuana O.Hoffm. Caca |
Bangla Name : | Kukshim. ,Loo Hu (Murong), Hung Fui (Marma). |
English Name : | Ash-coloured Fleabane, Purple Fleabane. |
Family : | Asteraceae |
Disease : | Tonic, stomachic, astringent,diaphoretic, piles, malaria,amoebiasis, eczema, ringworm, elephantiasis, guineaworms,diarrhoea, dropsy, cough, stomachache, colic, conjunctivitis, fever and rheumatism. |
Description : | An erect annual weed about a metre high, stem stiff, striate, slightly branched. Leaves 2.5-5 cm long (the upper leaves the smallest), variable in shape, broadly-elliptic or lanceolate, obtuse or acute, irregularly toothed or shallowly crenate-serrate. Heads small, about 20-flowered, 6 mm diam., in lax, divaricate, terminal corymbs. Flowers pinkish violet. |
Distribution : | Throughout Bangladesh in fallow lands. |
Chemical Constituents : | Lupeol palmitate, ?-amyrin palmitate, dotriacontanoic acid and stigmasterol- ? -D-gluco-pyranoside have been isolated from the aerial parts. Other chemical constituents of the plant include stigmasterol, ?-amyrin, lupeol, ?-amyrin acetate, ?-amyrin benzoa |
Uses : | The plant is tonic, stomachic, astringent and strong diaphoretic, decoction is used to promote perspiration in febrile condition, juice of the plant is useful in piles, malaria and incontinence of urine in children. Fresh juices of the leaves are given in |
Habit : | Herb |