Uraria PICTA (Jacq.) DC.
Synonym : | Doodia picta Roxb. Hedysarum pictum Jacq. Uraria aphrodisiaca Welw. Uraria linearis Hassk. |
Bangla Name : | Sankarjata,Belailengur (Chakma), Kro Kri (Marma) |
English Name : | - |
Family : | Fabaceae |
Disease : | heart trouble,fractured bone,cough, chills ,fevers and gonorrhoea. |
Description : | An erect, little-branched, annual undershrub, 0.9-1.8 m high. Leaves imparipinnate, 20-30 cm long. Leaflets on the upper part of the stem 5-7, (rarely 9), 10-20 cm long, linear oblong, acute, blotched with white, minutely pubescent beneath, base rounded. Flowers in close fascicles along the rachis of spicate, cylindric racemes, 15-30 cm long, rachis and pedicels downy with hooked hairs. Corolla 6 mm long, purple. Pods pale lead-coloured, joints 3-6, smooth, polished. |
Distribution : | Forests of Chittagong and Chittagong Hill Tracts. |
Chemical Constituents : | - |
Uses : | The plant is used for the treatment of heart trouble and fractured bone. The root has aphrodisiac properties, decoction is prescribed for cough, chills and fevers. Leaves are considered antiseptic and used in gonorrhoea. Pods are useful in sore-mouth of c |
Habit : | Undershrub |