Plumbago indica L.
Synonym : | Plumbago rosea L. Thela coccinea Lour. |
Bangla Name : | Raktachita,Agnichita,Lalichita,Agunichita(Chakma),Aigga(Garo),Kaing-kheo(Marma). |
English Name : | Rose-coloured lead-wort,Rosey-flowered leadwort. |
Family : | Plumbaginaceae. |
Disease : | Hepatitis, piles, rheumatism, leprosy, scabies, dysentery, tumours, abortion, body pain, cirorhosis,contraception, diarrhoea, duodenal ulcer, dysentery, embrayopathy, flatulence, gastric tumor, gastric ulcer, gynecological disease, hepatomegaly, hyper aci |
Description : | Shrubs with long succulent roots; branches sometimes rooting, cylindrical, striate, without fascicled leaves in the axils, young stems flaccid. Leaves alternate, oblong-elliptic, broadest towards the middle, acute at apex, attenuate at base, glabrous, finely scurfy underneath. Flowers red in long purplish red to scarlet racemes, not corymbose, rachis and bracts without glands. Sepals red, glandular all over. Corolla tube lobes, obovate, distinctly mucronate. Filaments of stamens as long as the corolla tube, anthers exserted just beyond the throat. Ovary ovate-oblong, style base hairy, stigmas 5. |
Distribution : | The species occurs in the forests of Chittagong,Chittagong hill tracts and Dhaka. |
Chemical Constituents : | Plubbagin, sitosterol, glucoside. |
Uses : | The plant is used in Hepatitis, piles, rheumatism, leprosy, scabies, dysentery, tumours, abortion, body pain, cirorhosis, contraception, diarrhoea, duodenal ulcer, dysentery, embrayopathy, flatulence, gastric tumor, gastric ulcer, gynecological disease, h |
Habit : | Shrub |