Synonym : | - |
Bangla Name : | Potol. |
English Name : | Pointed Gourd. |
Family : | Cucurbitaceae. |
Disease : | Catarrh,dysentery,diarrhoea,bronchitis. |
Description : | A rather extensive climber, more or less scabrous, tendrils 2-4 fid. Leaves 7.5 cm long, ovate-oblong, cordate, acute, sinuate-dentate, rigid, rough on both surfaces. Flowers dioceous, male not racemed, woolly out side. Fruit 5-9 cm, oblong or nearly spherical acute, smooth, orange red when ripe. |
Distribution : | Cultivated, mostly in the north-western districts. |
Chemical Constituents : | Roots contain an amorphous saponin, hentriacontane, a phytosterol, a non-nitrogenous bitter principle, glucosidic in nature and resembling colocynth, small amount of essential oil, little fixed oil and traces of tannins (Ghani, 2003). |
Uses : | The leaves are antipyretic, anthelmintic and aphrodisiac, used in catarrh, dysentery, diarrhoea, bronchitis and to arrest bleeding from bruises, and for the restoration of hairs. Leaf juice possesses antiseptic, insecticidal and parasiticidal properties. |
Habit : | Climber |