Tamarindus INDICA L.

Synonym : Tamarindus occidentalis Gaertn.
Tamarindus officinalis Hook.
Tamarindus umbrosa Salisb.
Bangla Name : Tetul, Ambli. ,Khen-thiri (Garo), Hao Mong, Gayoi Si (Marma), Teroi Gaith (Tanchangya).
English Name : Tamarind Tree.
Family : Caesalpiniaceae
Disease : Fever,dyspepsia,gastritis,diarrhoea,inflammatory swellings, sprains, tumours and ringworms.
Description : A large handsome, evergreen tree, 12-18 m high with round bushy crown and comparatively smaller bole. Leaves peripinnate, 5-12.5 cm long, leaflets small, 10-20 pairs, linear oblong, slightly nothched at the apex. Flowers in terminal, lax, few-flowered racemes, petals 1 cm long, subequal, yellowish with pink stripes. Fruit a pod, 7.5-20 cm long, indehiscent, slightly curved subcompressed, with very acidic pulp.
Distribution : Planted throughout Bangladesh.
Chemical Constituents : Fruit pulp contains large quantities (16-18%) of tartaric, citric, malic and acetic acids, potassium tartrate, invert sugar, gum and pectin. It also contains traces of oxalic acid. Seed testa contains a fixed oil. Seeds cotyledons contain albuminoids, fat
Uses : Pulp of the ripe fruit is refrigerant, carminative, digestive, astringent, laxative and tonic to the heart, it is a household remedy for fever, dyspepsia, gastritis, dysentery and diarrhoea, also useful in diseases supposed to cause by deranged bile, such
Habit : Tree