Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench

Synonym : Abelmoschus officinalis(DC.) Endl.
Abelmoschus longifolius(Willd.) Kostel.
Hibiscus esculentusL.

Bangla Name : Bhendi,Dheros,Okra,Posuaci(Chakma),Kelki-kelky(Lushai),Clg-long(Murong),Gang-khya-yeon(Rakhaing).
English Name : Lady’s finger,Okra,Gumbo,Common okra.
Family : Malvaceae
Disease : Chronic dysentery, gonorrhoea, urinary discharges, strangury, diarrhoea, spesrmatorrhoea, cancer
Description : An Erect, annual herb. Stem often tinged red, sparsely, simple, stiff hairy, somewhat rough. Leaves broadly ovate to orbicular, cordate at base; stipules filiform;. Flowers axillary, solitary; Corolla yellow or yellowish white with a purple spot at the base; petals 3-4.5 cm long and broad.. Capsule cylindrical, 5-angled, acuminate, simple hairy, hirsute when young, glabrescent. Seeds 5-15 in each cell, reniform or ovoid, dark brown, glabrous.
Distribution : This species found throughout Bangladesh.
Chemical Constituents : Pods contain carotene, folic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, oxalic acid and essential amino acids. Thirteen flavonol glycosides and two anthocyanins from flower petals. Gossypetin and hibiscetin glucosides; oxalic acid and oxalates, volatil
Uses : This plan used in Chronic dysentery, gonorrhoea, urinary discharges, strangury, diarrhoea, spesrmatorrhoea, cancer
Habit : Herb