Syzygium nervosum A.Cunn. ex DC.

Synonym : Syzygium operculatum (Roxb.) Niedz.
Calyptranthes mangiferifolia Hance ex Walp.
Eugenia cerasoides Roxb.
Jambosa nitida Korth.
Eugenia operculatum Roxb.
Bangla Name : Bottejam, Dhepajam, Patijam, Thengajam.
English Name : -
Family : Myrtaceae
Disease : Dysentery,bronchitis ,ulcers,rheumatism.
Description : A medium-sized tree. Leaves 7-20 cm long, elliptic or obovate or oblong-orbicular, obtusely acuminate, apiculate or rounded. Flowers greenish white in cymes, arranged in corymbose lateral panicles, 5-12.5 cm long, with trichotomous branches from leafless nodes. Berry 7.5-10 mm long, globose or ellipsoid.
Distribution : Evergreen forests of Sylhet, Chittagong, Dhaka, Mymensingh and Comilla.
Chemical Constituents : -
Uses : The bark is tonic and astringent to the bowels, given in dysentery, bronchitis and ulcers. The root, boiled down to the consistence of syrup, is applied to the joints by rubbing and leaves are used in dry fomentation and the fruits are eaten to treat rheu
Habit : Tree