Synonym : | - |
Bangla Name : | Shaora, Asshaora, Harbon, Hekra, Harba (Chittagong). ,Sarbo (Chakma), Umgnai (Mogh), Wahnebang, Owah Nai Mraai (Marma), Saola bipang (Garo). |
English Name : | Siamese Roughbush. |
Family : | Moraceae |
Disease : | Dysuria,dysentery,epistaxis, piles,diarrhoea, fever,inflammatory swellings and boils. |
Description : | A bushy, small, evergreen tree with milky juice. Leaves alternate, elliptic or obovate, 5-10 cm long, irregularly crenate, acute or shortly acuminate, very rough on both surfaces, petiole very short. Flowers dioecious, axillary, male flowers in globose heads, 7.5 mm diam., female flowers solitary, inconspicuous, long peduncled. Fruit 1-seeded berry, 5 mm diam., yellow when ripe. |
Distribution : | All over Bangladesh in fallow lands. |
Chemical Constituents : | Bark contains cardioactive glycosides, strebloside and asperoside. It also contains a pregnane glycoside, sioraside (Ghani, 2003). Root bark contains kamaloside, asperoside, indroside, luknoside, along with amorphous glycosides G, G´ and H. Cannodimethosi |
Uses : | Leaves are used in urinary inflammation and as a galactagogue. The crushed leaves administered as diuretic and in the treatment of leucorrhoea in Jointiapur of Sylhet. Leaf juice is used by the Garo of Madhupur against dysuria and dysentery. Seeds are ben |
Habit : | Tree |