Sesbania GRANDIFLORA Pers.

Synonym : -
Bangla Name : Bakful, Agasti, Agati, Bak ,Sai Sha (Marma).
English Name : -
Family : Fabaceae
Disease : Astringent ,tonic, diarrhoea, dysentery, paludism, antipyretic, anthelmintic, alexiteric, cures itching, leprosy, night blindness, gout , biliousness, cooling, emollient, laxative, appetite, ozoena, bronchitis, gout , biliousness, nasal catarrh , headac
Description : A small, slender deciduous tree, 6-9 m high, with a straight trunk and light crown. Leaves 15-30 cm long, leaflets 16-30 pairs, linear-oblong. Racemes 2.5 cm long, bearing 2-4 large, white flowers, corolla 7.5-8.8 cm long. Pods linear, 50 cm long.
Distribution : Planted throughout Bangladesh.
Chemical Constituents : A saponin has been isolated from leaves which on hydrolysis yield oleanolic acid, galactose, rhamnose and glucuronic acid (Rastogi & Mehrotra, 1990). Seed also contains saponin, which on hydrolysis yield oleanolic acid as major genin (Rastogi & Mehrotra,
Uses : The bark is astringent and tonic, infusion is used in diarrhoea, dysentery and paludism. The leaves are tonic, antipyretic, anthelmintic and alexiteric, cures itching, leprosy, night blindness, gout and biliousness. The flowers are cooling, emollient and
Habit : Tree