Schoenoplectus ARTICULATUS (L.) Palla

Synonym : Scirpus articulatus L.
Bangla Name : Patpati, Chechra, Chicka.
English Name : -
Family : Cyperaceae
Disease : Purgative
Description : A glabrous herb, stems 30-90 cm high, densely tufted, as thick as the little finger, spongy and transversely septate within, terate, flowering nearer the base than the top. Leaves O. Spikelets variable in length, 6-20 cm long, ovoid-oblong, acute, rusty-brown, sessile in laterally stellately spreading clusters of 15-60.
Distribution : All over Bangladesh, in swamps.
Chemical Constituents : -
Uses : The plant is used as a purgative.
Habit : Herb