Sambucas JAVANICA Reinw. ex Blume.

Synonym : S. hookeri Rehder.
Bangla Name : -
English Name : Himalayan Elder
Family : Caprifoliaceae
Disease : Depurative, diuretic and purgative.
Description : A stragling shrub. Leaves 45 cm long, leaflets, 5-9 oblong-lanceolate, 7.5-20 cm long. Corymb usually leafy at the base, often 30 cm diam., puberulous or almost villous. Flowers small, white or pink. Berry 3-4 mm diam., globose.
Distribution : Northern and Eastern part of the country.
Chemical Constituents : -
Uses : The plant is used as a depurative, diuretic and purgative.
Habit : Shrub