Synonym : Lapathum minus Lam.
Rumex aureus Mill.
Rumex fueginus Phil.
Rumex longisetus A.I. Baranov & Skvortsov
Bangla Name : Ban Palang.
English Name : Golden Dock, Small Water Dock.
Family : Polygonaceae
Disease : Refrigerant,burns, aphrodisiac, , pain , anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity .
Description : An erect annual herb, up to 1.2 m high, stem angled and deeply grooved. Leaves 7.5-25 cm, lanceolate, base narrowed into the petiole. Flowers very small, in axillary whorls, lax or dense, arranged in panicled racemes, leafy to the top.
Distribution : All over the country in marshy places.
Chemical Constituents : Seeds contain 5.1% tannin (Chopra et. al., 1992). Rumarin, rutin and hyperin have been isolated from fruits (Rastogi & Mehrotra, 1993). Seeds contain anthraquinones, flavonoids and sterols. Three new aliphatic compounds have been isolated and characterize
Uses : Plant is refrigerant. Leaves are applied to burns. Seeds are aphrodisiac, tonic to the loins, removes pain from the back and lumber region, cures gleet. Both alcoholic and aqueous extract of the seed at the doses of 100 mg/kg showed significant anti-in
Habit : Herb