Synonym : Rauvolfia canescens L.
Rauvolfia hirsuta Jacq.
Rauvolfia subpubescens L.
Rauvolfia tomentosa Jacq.
Bangla Name : Bara Chadar, Sarpagandha.
English Name : -
Family : Apocynaceae
Disease : similar disease of Rauvolfia serpentina
Description : A small much-branched woody shrub, 0.6-1.2 m high. Leaves whorled, elliptic. Flowers greenish white or creamy white in umbellate cymes, drupes ovoid, deep purple when ripe, pyrenes rugose, oblong.
Distribution : Chittagong and Rajshahi.
Chemical Constituents : Plant contains the alkaloid rauvolscine, 0.1% in root bark, 0.2% in stem bark and 0.2% in the leaves (Chopra et. al., 1992). A new sarpagine-type alkaloid, N (a)-Demethylaccedine, has been isolated from the plant (Ghani, 2003).
Uses : Roots have got similar actions as Rauvolfia serpentina.
Habit : Shrub