Premna CORYMBOSA Rottler & Willd.

Synonym : Gumira corymbosa (Rottler & Willd.) Kuntze
Premna scandens Bojer
Bangla Name : Ganiari, Bhutbirabi, Gambari, Gunal.,Kritma (Chakma).
English Name : -
Family : Verbenaceae
Disease : Rheumatism , neuralgia,fevers, colic , flatulence, gonorrhoea, convulsion, ,laxative ,stomachic, , piles, constipation, bronchitis , urticaria, carminative, alterative ,dyspepsia and worms.
Description : A small tree or large shrub. Leaves opposite, 5-10 cm long, broadly elliptic, entire, undulate, obtuse, very shortly acuminate. Flowers small, greenish yellow, in terminal, pubescent, paniculate, corymbose cymes. Fruit 4 mm long, pear-shaped.
Distribution : Sundarbans, Chittagong, Sylhet and elsewhere in the country.
Chemical Constituents : Stem bark contains tannin, bitter alkaloids, premnine, betulin, ganiarine and ganikarine reducing sugars and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Leaves contain verbascoside, a verbascoside iridoid glucoside conjugate, premcoryoside and three monoacyl-6-O- ?-L-rhamn
Uses : Decoction of the plant is used in rheumatism and neuralgia. Infusion of the leaves is used in eruptive fevers, colic and flatulence, gonorrhoea, convulsion, rheumatism and neuralgia. The root is laxative and stomachic, good for liver complaints, useful in
Habit : Small tree