Polianthes TUBEROSA L.

Synonym : Agave polianthes Thiede & Eggli
Crinum angustifolium Houtt.
Polianthes gracilis Link
Tuberosa amica Medik.
Bangla Name : Rajanigandha.
English Name : Tuberose.
Family : Amaryllidaceae
Disease : Diuretic, emetic, gonorrhea, red pimples and buboes.
Description : A leafy tuberous herb. Basal leaves linear, 40-60 cm long, less than 1 cm wide, those on the stem much shorter. Stem erect, 0.5-1 m high. Flowers fragrant, waxy white, in pairs, 5-6 cm long, tubular.
Distribution : Cultivated in the gardens.
Chemical Constituents : Bulb contains saponins and sapogenins, tigogenin. Indole has been isolated from the cultivated tuberose varieties. Flowers contain an essential oil (Ghani, 2003). Plant also contains hecogenin (Rastogi & Mehrotra, 1993).
Uses : The flowers are considered diuretic and emetic. The dried and powdered bulbs are used as a remedy for gonorrhoea. The bulbs rubbed up with turmeric and butter is applied to new born babies to remove small red pimples on their body. They are also rubbed in
Habit : Herb