Pogostemon PUBESCENCE Benth.

Synonym : Pogostemon parviflorus Benth.
Bangla Name : Nugpachuli (B),Nung bui (Marma).
English Name : -
Family : Lamiaceae
Disease : Tonic, colic, fever and haemorrhoids.
Description : Suffruticose shrub, 1.2-1.8 m high, stem and branches obtusely quadrangular, usually purple. Leaves 7.5-18 cm long, broadly ovate, acute or acuminate, coarsely and irregularly doubly-toothed, base cuneate. Flowers in dense pubescent spikes, forming pyramidal lax panicles. Corolla white, stamens exerted, filaments purple except just below the anthers, bearded with purple hairs.
Distribution : Sylhet, Chittagong, also cultivated in the jhum of Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Chemical Constituents : The plant contains an essential oil comprising mainly of the sesquiterpenes patchoulol (35%) and bulnesene. It also contains an alkaloid, pogostemonine, a secocaryophyllanolide sesquiterpenoids lactone, epoxyparvinolide, trimethyl amine, resin, friedelin,
Uses : The properties are more or less same as those of P. benghalense (no. 574). The plant is given alone or along with Ocimum gratissimum as a tonic for strength, after delivery. Fresh leaves are used in colic, fever and snake-bite and to clean wound. Roots ar
Habit : Shrub