Pithecellobium DULCE (Roxb.) Benth.

Synonym : Inga dulcis (Roxb.) Willd.
Albizia dulcis (Roxb.) F.Muell.
Inga javanica DC.
Mimosa pungens (Willd.) Poir.
Pithecellobium littorale Record
Bangla Name : Dekhani Babul, Dharsundar, Bilati Tetul, Khoi Babla, Khoi (Satkhira), Jilapi (Rajshahi).
English Name : Quamochil, Madras-thorn, Manila Tamarind.
Family : Mimosaceae
Disease : Febrifuge, edema and arthritis.
Description : A small to medium-sized evergreen tree, armed with straight stipular thorns. Leaves bipinnate, each pinna with a pair of leaflets, leaflets oblique, obovate-oblong, obtuse, 2.5-5 cm long, subsessile. Flowers small, whitish, in small globular heads, 1 cm diam., solitary or fascicled in axils of bracts. Pod much twisted, 10-20 cm long, fleshy, turgid, reddish when mature.
Distribution : Khulna, Satkhira and planted elsewhere in the country.
Chemical Constituents : A saponin, mp. 175°, a sapogenin – pithogenin, a sterol glucoside B, and a flavone have been isolated from seeds. Hexacosanol, sterol glucoside A, praline, leucine, valine, asparagines and glucose have been isolated from the mesocarp of the fruit. ?-spina
Uses : The bark is used as a febrifuge and decoction of it is given as an enema. Saponins showed significant activity against carrageenin-induced oedema and formaldehyde-induced arthritis (Rastogi & Mehrotra, 1993). Ethanolic extract of the leaf possesses stro
Habit : Tree