Piper BETEL L.

Synonym : Piper betel Blanco
Bangla Name : Pan, Tambuli.
English Name : Betel, Betel-leaf, Betel vine.
Family : Piperaceae
Disease : Carminative, stomachic, tonic, laxative, stimulant, astringent, antiseptic, indigestion, colic, diarrhoea, pulmonary catarrh, laryngitis, headache and cough.
Description : A stout climber. Leaves large, 15-20 cm long, broadly ovate, ovate-oblong or rounded, cordate at base, shortly acuminate, acute, entire, shining on both sides. Spikes dense, cylindrical, female 2.5-5 cm long, pendulous. Fruits sparingly produced, quite immersed in the fleshy spike, which is about 5 cm long, red.
Distribution : Cultivated all over the country.
Chemical Constituents : Leaves contain up to 1% of an essential oil with burning taste, composed of cadinene, chavicol, chavibetol and cineole. They also contain an alkaloid, arakene, tannins, starch, sugars and diastases. In addition, they contain ?-carotene and ?-tocopherol. R
Uses : Leaves are carminative, stomachic, tonic, laxative, stimulant, astringent and antiseptic, used for the cure of indigestion, colic, diarrhoea, pulmonary catarrh, laryngitis, headache and cough. Leaf stalks dipped in mastard oil is applied as suppository fo
Habit : Climber