Phyla NODIFLORA (L.) Greene.

Synonym : Blairia nodiflora (L.) Gaertn.
Lippia nodiflora (L.) Michx.
Phyla chinensis Lour.
Verbena fruticosa Mill.
Bangla Name : Bhui Okar, Karghas, Bakkan.
English Name : -
Family : Verbenaceae
Disease : Diuretic, stomachic, febrifuge , astringent , ulcers, wounds, asthma, bronchitis,bowels, pain and piles.
Description : A prostrate, much branched annual herb, often rooting at the nodes, up to 75 cm long. Leaves cuneate-spathulate, serrate, 2.5 cm long. Peduncles commonly axillary, heades 1.25 cm long, ovoid or cylindric. Flowers small, pinkish-purple to white.
Distribution : Throughout the country in fallow lands.
Chemical Constituents : Leaves contain tannin, fat, lactose, maltose, glucose, fructose, xylose, rutin, a waxy ester, ?-sitosterol, a bitter substance and two glucosidic colouring matters, nodiflorin A and B. Nodifloridin A and B, nodifloretin, two new flavone glycoside - lippif
Uses : The plant is diuretic, stomachic, febrifuge and astringent to the bowels, good for ulcers, wounds, asthma, bronchitis, considered valuable in ischury, stoppage of the bowels and pain in the knee-joints. A poultice composed of the fresh plant is a good mat
Habit : Herb