Prunus amygdalus Stokes

Synonym :
Bangla Name : Kagazii badam
English Name :
Family : Rosaceae
Disease : Sexual tonic, leucorrhoea.
Description : Trees or shrubs. Branches erect or horizontally spreading, unarmed, with many short branchlets, glabrous;Leaves variable, those on previous year’s branches usually alternate, those on short branches approximate and often fascicled; leaf blade lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate,base broadly cuneate to rounded, margin shallowly densely serrate, apex acute to shortly acuminate. Flowers solitary, opening before leaves. Hypanthium cylindrical, outside glabrous. Sepals broadly oblong to broadly lanceolate. Petals white or pinkish, oblong to obovate-oblong. Stamens unequal in length. Ovary densely tomentose. Style longer than stamens. Drupe obliquely ovoid to oblong. endocarp yellowish white to brown, ovoid, broadly ellipsoid, or shortly oblong, asymmetric on both sides. Seed sweet or bitter.
Distribution : This species found throughout Bangladesh.
Chemical Constituents : Chief protein is a globulin, amandin. A fatty oil known as Sweet Almond Oil. Prunasin, decosterin and sitosterol from bitter seeds. HCN glucosides.
Uses : This plant is used in Sexual tonic, leucorrhoea.
Habit :