Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile subsp. INDICA(Benth) Brenan

Synonym : Acacia arabica var. indica Benth.
Acacia nilotica var. indica (Benth.)A.F.Hill
Bangla Name : Babla,Kikar,Janum-daru(Munda).
English Name : Indian Gum-arabic tree,Babul tree,Black babool,Egyptian mimosaceae.
Family : Mimosaceae
Disease : Local pain, astringent, bowels, cough, bronchitis, diarrhoea, dysentery, biliousness, burning sensat
Description : Trees; bark black with deep narrow longitudinal fissures, running spirally up the tree, exudation gummy; blaze pinkish-brown; branchlets blackish or greyish. Leaves bipinnate, alternate, stipulate; stipular spines in pairs; leaflets 20-40, opposite, sessile, base oblique, apex obtuse, margin entire, glabrous, chartaceous. Flowers bright yellow, in heads on axillary peduncle; involucre of 2 bracteoles near or above the mid peduncle; calyx campanulate; ovary terete, stipitate, puberulous. Fruit a pod, strap-shaped, straight to slightly curved, deeply constricted between seeds; densely grey-felted, glaucous, greyish-green, turning black on drying, attenuate at base into stipe, dehiscent; seeds 8-13, flat,black.
Distribution : The species occurs in the forests of Bogra, Foridpur, Jessore, Kustia, Pabna and Rajshahi.
Chemical Constituents : Bark contains 7-20% tannnin; pods contin 12-19 % tannin. Several polyphenols are present in pods. Quercetin, gallic acid, catechin, epicatechin, dicatechin, leucocyanidin, epigallocatechin, polyphenolic phiobaphenes consisting mainly of catechol and pyrog
Uses : This plant is used in Local pain, astringent, bowels, cough, bronchitis, diarrhoea, dysentery, biliousness, burning sensation, piles, leucoderma,ascites, prolapsus ani.
Habit : Tree