Synonym : Cocos nypa Lour.
Nipa arborescens Wurmb ex H.Wendl.
Nipa fruticans (Wurmb) Thunb.
Bangla Name : Golpata, Gulga, Golphal.
English Name : Nipa Palm, Water Cocoanut.
Family : Arecaceae
Disease : Ulcer
Description : A stemless palm, with erect leaves. Leaves very many, 4.5-9 m long, leaflets innumerable, shortly decurrent on the rachis, 1.2-1.5 m long. Spadix 1.2-2.1 m long. Male flowers very small. Fruit 30 cm diam., nodding.
Distribution : Banks of rivers and canals in mangrove forests of southern districts.
Chemical Constituents : -
Uses : Powdered leaves are used as a remedy for bites of centipedes and as cure for ulcers.
Habit : -