Mussaenda GLABRATA Hutch.

Synonym : M. frondosa var. glabrata Hook. f.
Bangla Name : Nagabali, Sadapata, Patralekha. ,Si Jhathru (Marma). Rani Tak (Chakma).
English Name : -
Family : Rubiaceae
Disease : Pectoral, diuretic, asthma, fevers, dropsy, ulcers and jaundice.
Description : A rambling shrub. Leaves shortly petioled, lamina up to 12.5 cm long, broadly elliptic, shortly acuminate. Flowers in terminal cymes, calyx teeth reaching 1.6 cm long, linear-subulate, one of the calyx teeth enlarged into a large, petioled, white, persistent, leaf-like flag, corolla deep yellow, 2.8-3.8 cm long. Berries 10-13 cm, globose, glabrous.
Distribution : Forests of Chittagong, Chittagong Hill Tracts and North Bengal.
Chemical Constituents : Root contains a bitter principle, saponin glucoside, resin, sugar and mucilage and colouring matter. Quercetin, rutin, hyperin, ?-sitosterol glucoside and ferulic and sinapic acids have been isolated from the sepals (Ghani, 2003).
Uses : The flowers are considered pectoral and diuretic, given in asthma, interrmittent fevers and dropsy, externally they are applied as a detergent to ulcers. White flags (white modified sepal) along with milk are given in jaundice. The roots are given with co
Habit : Shrub