Mucuna PRURIENS (L.) DC.

Synonym : M
prurita Hook.
Bangla Name : Alkushi, Bichchoti, Khamach, Bilaiachra. ,Eng Rhi Noi (Mara).
English Name : Common Cowitch, Cowhage.
Family : Fabaceae
Disease : Purgative, emmenagogue, fever, cholera, diuretic, ulcers, anthelmintic and aphrodisiac.
Description : A slender, anual twiner. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets 7.5-12.5 cm long, the terminal one rhomboid-ovate, the lateral one with truncate base, very inequilateral, subacute, densely clothed with silvery-grey hairs beneath. Flowers purple, in elongate 6-30 flowered pendulous racemes, 15-30 cm long, corolla 2.5 cm long, purple. Pods 5-7.5 cm long, turgid, falcately curved on both ends, densely clothed with darkbrown, persistent, irritant bristles.
Distribution : Throughout Bangladesh in village thickets and jungle.
Chemical Constituents : The plant contains resin, tannin and fat. Seeds contain mucuadininine, prurieninine, prurieni-dine and small amount of nicotine. They also contain a plant growth-inhibiting allelochemical candidate, L-3, 4-dihydroxy-phenylalanine (Ghani, 2003). Seeds also
Uses : Roots are purgative and emmenagogue, prescribed as a remedy for delirium in fever. Strong infusion of the root mixed with honey is given in cholera. A decoction of the root is a powerful diuretic and cleanser of the kidneys. Leaves are applied to ulcers.
Habit : -