Moringa OLEIFERA Lamk.

Synonym : M. pterigosperma Gaertn.
Bangla Name : Sajna, Sajina. ,Dain Tho Rai (Marma).
English Name : -
Family : Moringaceae
Disease : Antiscorbutic, stimulant, carminative, stomachic, diuretic, laxative , expectorant, fevers, bronchitis, piles, epilepsy, hysteria , chronic rheumatism, astringent, abortifacient , anthelmintic, , inflammation , heart , pain, anthelmintic and gastric.
Description : A small or medium deciduous tree, with corky bark. Leaves usually 3-pinnate, up to 45 cm long, leaflets 12-20 mm long, lateral elliptic, the terminal obovate. Flowers white, in large puberulous panicles. Pods up to 45 cm long, cylindric, 9-ribbed.
Distribution : Cultivated throughout Bangladesh in homestead.
Chemical Constituents : Bark of the trunk yields a tragacanth-like gum which contains bassorin, ?-sitosterol, enzyme and sugars, arabinose, galactose, dextrose, glucuronic acid and also traces of rhamnose. Root bark contains two alkaloids, moringine and moringinine, also benil,
Uses : Stem bark is used as antiscorbutic. The fresh root is stimulant, carminative, stomachic, diuretic, laxative and expectorant, used in paralytic affections, intermittent fevers, bronchitis, piles, epilepsy and hysteria and consider a valuable rubefacient in
Habit : Tree