Synonym : -
Bangla Name : Daruharidra, Rang gach, Pandogi, Pachuka (Dianjpur), Holdiruk (Sylhet) ,Cheng rong (Garo), Tara taba, Thachi (Marma.), Kobabena, Rang gach (Chakma).
English Name : -
Family : Rubiaceae
Disease : Urinary diseases, jaundice,insect bites and fever.
Description : A shrub or small, evergreen tree. Leaves lanceolate, 10-30 cm long, entire, acuminate. Flowers numerous, white, fragrant, in axillary or leaf opposed, pedunculate, globose head. Fruit almost white, succulent drupes, size of a large pea.
Distribution : Forests of Chittagong, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Cox’s Bazar, Sylhet, Dinajpur.
Chemical Constituents : Leaves contain ursolic acid and rutin. Rhein, aloe-emodin and morindone have been isolated from the heartwood of the plant (Rastogi & Mehrotra, 1993).
Uses : Chakma tribe use to take decoction of the stem and root to treat urinary diseases. Leaves are used for treating jaundice. Marma tribe believes that root paste and juice is effective against insect bites and fever.
Habit : Tree