Monochoria HASTATA (L.) Solms.

Synonym : M. hastaefolia Presl.
Pontederia hastata L.
Bangla Name : Baranukha.
English Name : -
Family : Pontederiaceae
Disease : Alterative, tonic , cooling, boils and scurf.
Description : A perennial robust herb, with creeping rootstock. Leaves 6-7 cm long, long-petioled, sagittate, hastate or cordate. Flowers racemed or subumbellate, long-pedicelled on a radical scape 45-60 cm long, flower violet-blue, dotted with red. Capsule 7 mm diam., subglobose or oblong.
Distribution : Throughout Bangladesh in swamps.
Chemical Constituents : Rootstock contains starch, sugars, mucilage and acrid principles. Leaves and leaf stalks contain calcium oxalate (Ghani, 2003).
Uses : The plant is considered alterative, tonic and cooling. Juice of the leaves is applied to boils. Rhizomes pounded with charcoal are used for scurf.
Habit : Herb