Momordica CHARANTEA L.

Synonym : -
Bangla Name : Karolla, Uchhe, Usta. ,Belati Tira Gula (Tanchangya).
English Name : Bitter Ground, Carilla Fruit.
Family : Cucurbitaceae
Disease : Diabetes mellitus, tonic, stomachic, febrifuge, carminative, anthelmintic , cooling, rheumatism, gout,piles,leprosy,liver,spleen,purgative,loose,anthelmintic, jaundice,astringent,haemorrhoids, peptic ulcer, colic and fever.
Description : A slender climber with angled stem and simple tendrils. Leaves 5-12.5 cm diam., almost orbicular in outline, deeply divided into 5-7 lobes, coarsely spinous-dentate. Flowers monoecious, yellow solitary with long slender peduncles. Fruits pendulous, 5-20 cm long, fusiform, bearing numerous triangular tubercles, yellow when ripe.
Distribution : Cultivated throughout Bangladesh.
Chemical Constituents : Leaves have been reported to contain two acidic resins, a number of bitter substances, momordicines I, II and III, three new cucurbitane triterpenoids and ?-aminobutyric acid. They also contain large quantities of essential amino acids, carotene, thiamine
Uses : The fruits, leaves and roots have long been used as a folk remedy for diabetes mellitus. Fruits are tonic, stomachic, febrifuge, carminative, anthelmintic and cooling, used in rheumatism, gout, piles, leprosy and diseases of liver and spleen. Ripe fruit i
Habit : Climber