Mimusops ELENGI L.

Synonym : -
Bangla Name : Bakul.
English Name : Elengi, Indian Medlar.
Family : Sapotaceae
Disease : Expectorant, cures biliousness, liver complaints, ,nose , headache, , asthma, astringent , dysentery. Constipation, astringent , tonic properties, , fevers, bleeding gums, loose teeth , aphrodisiac, diuretic and gonorrhea.
Description : A medium to large tree with a dense leafy head. Leaves 6.3-10 cm long, elliptic, shortly acuminate, glabrous. Flowers white, fragrant, nearly 2.5 cm across, solitary or in fascicles of 2-6. Fruits a berry, about 2.5 cm long, ovoid, acute, yellow when ripe.
Distribution : Planted all over Bangladesh.
Chemical Constituents : Bark contains tannins, wax, coloring matter and starch. Taraxerone, taraxerol, betulinic acid, ?-spinasterol have also been isolated from bark. Fruits contain tannins, saponins and sugar. Seeds contain a fixed oil and saponins. The triterpenoids saponins
Uses : Flowers are expectorant, cures biliousness, liver complaints, diseases of the nose and headache, smoked to relief asthma. The pulp of the ripe fruit is astringent and useful in curing chronic dysentery. The bruised seeds are applied locally within the anu
Habit : Tree