Memecylon UMBELLATUM Burm.

Synonym : M. edule Roxb.
Bangla Name : Anjan.
English Name : Iron Wood Tree.
Family : Melastomaceae
Disease : Cooling, astringent , leucorrhoea, gonorrhea, bruises and menstrual discharges.
Description : A small to moderate sized tree. Leaves 3.8-7.5 cm long, elliptic or ovate, subacute. Flowers medium sized, blue, numerous, in umbellate cymes from the axills of the fallen leaves on the old wood. Berry globose, 6 mm diam., purplish black.
Distribution : Forests of Sylhet and Chittagong.
Chemical Constituents : Leaves contain a yellow glucoside, resins, colouring matter, gum, starch, malic acid and inorganic matter containing silica (Ghani, 2003). Umbelactone, ?-amyrin, sitosterol, its glucoside, oleanolic and ursolic acids have also been isolated from the plant
Uses : The leaves possess cooling and astringent properties, given in leucorrhoea and gonorrhoea, a lotion prepared from them is used in eye troubles. The leaves and bark are applied to bruises. Decoction of the root is considered very beneficial in excessive me
Habit : Small tree