Synonym : -
Bangla Name : Tiki-okra.
English Name : -
Family : Sterculiaceae
Disease : Sore and dysentery.
Description : An annual shrubby herb. Leaves very variable in size and shape, 2.5-7.5 cm long, ovate-oblong, acute, serrate, sometimes obscurely lobed. Flowers small, pink, densely crowded in terminal clusters. Capsules depressed globose.
Distribution : All over Bangladesh, in wet-lands.
Chemical Constituents : A melocorin, along with hibifolin and tirfolin characterised as 3,4?,5,7- tetrahydroxy-8-O-?-D-glucuronosylflavone (herbacetin-8-O-glucuronide) have been isolated from this plant (Rastogi and Mehrotra, 1993).
Uses : Leaves are applied as a poultice for sore and swellings of the abdomen. Decoctions of the leaves and roots are useful in dysentery.
Habit : Shrub