Synonym : M. azadarach L.
Bangla Name : Ghoranim, Mahanim, Bokain, Kuanim, Poma, Poa, Kawa nim (Sylhet). ,Sadi raissya (Chakma).
English Name : Barbados Lilac, Bead Tree, Persian Lilac, Pride of China, Pride of India.
Family : Meliaceae
Disease : Expectorant, emetic, styptic, enlarged spleen, heart complaints, strengthen teeth, allay inflammation, scabies, skin disease, malaria, anthelmintic, diuretic, emmenagogue, rheumatism, fever, pain, brain tonic, laxative, maturant, earache, piles, spleen,
Description : A medium-sized deciduous tree with spreading crown. Leaves 23-45 cm long, bi- or tri-pinnate, leaflets 1.2-5 cm long, ovate or lanceolate, acuminate, obtusely serrate, sometimes lobed. Flowers lilac, in long-peduncled, axillary panicles which are shorter than the leaves. Drupe ellipsoid-globose, 1-1.5 cm across.
Distribution : Planted as avenue tree throughout the country.
Chemical Constituents : Fruits contain a poisonous constituent, toxin, the alkaloid azaridine, a resin, tannin, meliotannic acid, benzoic acid, bakayamin, sterol, bakalactone, a bitter principle, margosine and a fixed oil. They also contain lupeol, ?-sitosterol and its glucoside
Uses : Fruits, flowers, leaves and root-bark are considered to have deobstruent, resolvent and alexipharmac properties. The flowers and leaves are applied as a poultice to relive nervous headaches. The leaves and seeds are expectorant, emetic and styptic, used i
Habit : Tree