Synonym : Hetrepta lavandulifolia (Sm.) Raf.
Leonurus indicus L.
Leucas linifolia (Roth) Spreng.
Phlomis linifolia Roth
Bangla Name : Chhoto Halkusha, Gaochia, Donkolos, Droton, Dronpuspi. ,Pai Sung Sa, Pai Tung Sa (Marma), Sasaneo (Bwam).
English Name : -
Family : Lamiaceae
Disease : Vermifuge, febrifuge, headaches, cough, scabies, cold, sores and wounds.
Description : An annual erect herb, 35-75 cm high, pubescent or tomentose. Leaves 4.5-9 cm, linear-lanceolate, obtuse, entire or remotely serrate. Flowers subsessile, in axillary and terminal whorls, 1.3-2 cm diam., corolla white, about 1.3 cm long.
Distribution : Dhaka, Comilla, Chittagong, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Noakhali, Rajshahi and Sylhet in fallow lands.
Chemical Constituents : An isopimarane rhamnoglucoside, linifolioside, have been isolated from this plant (Ghani, 2003).
Uses : The plant is vermifuge. Leaves are roasted and eaten with salt as a febrifuge and to restore appetite. Juice employed in headaches, cough, scabies and cold. Leaves mixed with salt and kerosene is useful as poultice in sores and wounds. The methanol ext
Habit : Herb