Ichnocarpus FRUTESCENS (L.) R. Br.

Synonym : Apocynum frutescens L.
Beluttakaka malabarica (Lam.) Kuntze
Echites frutescens (L.) Roxb.
Gardenia volubilis Lour.
Ichnocarpus leptodictyus F.Muell.
Bangla Name : Dudhi, Syamalota. ,Tabu chi (Marma), Dudhnoi (Chakma), Bhutta ludi (Tanchangya).
English Name : Black Creeper.
Family : Apocynaceae
Disease : Sarsaparilla, cooling, demulcent, alterative, tonic, diaphoretic, diuretic, fever, dyspepsia, skin troubles, diabetes, scabies and pain.
Description : A large, much-branched twining shrub, containing white latex in its all parts. Leaves 4.5-7.5 cm long, elliptic-oblong, acute or acuminate. Flowers small, greenish white, numerous, in axillary and terminal rusty-pubescent trichotomous pedunculate cymes. Fruit a follicle, 10-15 cm long, slender, cylindric.
Distribution : Throughout the country in scrubs.
Chemical Constituents : Leaves contain flavonoids and phenolic acids and stems contain a new triterpene glycosides (Asolkar et al., 1992).
Uses : The roots are employed as a substitute for Sarsaparilla, it is cooling, demulcent, alterative, tonic, diaphoretic and diuretic, used in fever, dyspepsia, skin troubles, diabetes and stone in the bladder. A decoction of the stems and leaves is used in feve
Habit : Shrub