Synonym : Abelmoschus cruentus (Bertol.) Walp.
Furcaria sabdariffa Ulbr.
Hibiscus fraternus L.
Sabdariffa rubra Kostel.
Bangla Name : Lalmesta, Mesta, Patwa, Kharapata (Chittagong). , Jang Gri Se (Marma), Sung Krak (Bowm), Kan Sur Ka (Murong).
English Name : Indian Sorrel, Jamaica Sorrel, Natal Sorrel, Red Sorrel, Rosella, Rozelle Hemp.
Family : Malvaceae
Disease : Emollient,diuretic, sedative and refrigerant, laxative, antiscorbutic, dysentery and diarrhoea.
Description : An erect shrubby annual with red stem and branches. Leaves 5-7.5 cm long, cuneate at the base, usually 3-5 lobed, lobes lanceolate or oblong, serrate. Flowers large, purple with darker centre, axillary, solitary. Capsules ovoid, beaked, hairy
Distribution : Cultivated throughout the country
Chemical Constituents : The fruits, leaves and stems contain d-malic acid. Leaves contain sitosterol- ?-D-galactoside. High concentration of hibiscic acid, flavonoid and heterosides have been isolated from flower (Asolkar et al., 1992). Extract of flowers contain reducing sugars
Uses : Leaves are emollient, in Guinea, they are much used as a diuretic, sedative and refrigerant. Decoction of the leaf is laxative. Fruits are antiscorbutic, used in dysentery and diarrhoea. Succulent sepals and leaves are recommended as antimicrobial, anthel
Habit : Shrub