Helicteres ISORA L.

Synonym : Helicteres grewiaefolia DC.
Helicteres roxburghii G. Don
Isora grewiaefolia (DC.) Schott & Endl.
Ixora versicolor Hassk.
Bangla Name : Atmora.
English Name : East Indian Screw-Tree.
Family : Sterculiaceae
Disease : Eczema, skin diseases, demulcent, astringent, bowels, flatulence, dysentery, worms, dysentery, diarrhoea , biliousness, cough, asthma, diabetes, stomach, expectorant, demulcent, astringent, antigalactagogue, griping and scabies.
Description : A shrub, young shoots clothed with stellate hairs. Leaves bifarious, 7.5-12.5 cm long, oblong, obovate or roundish, cordate, suddenly and shortly acuminate. Flowers red, 2.5-3.8 cm long, bilabiate, in axillary clusters of 2-6 together. Follicles 5, beaked, 5-6.3 cm long, linear, twisted together into the form of a screw.
Distribution : Sal forests of Dhaka and Tangail.
Chemical Constituents : Pods and bark of stem and root contain phytosterol, a hydroxycarboxylic acid, an orange-yellow colouring matter, saponins, sugars, phlobatannins and lignin. Seeds contain diosgenin. Leaves contain an ester, tetratriacontanyl tetratriacontanoate. Fruits al
Uses : Leaf paste is used against eczema and other skin diseases. Pods are demulcent and astringent, useful in the griping of bowels and flatulence of children and in chronic dysentery, fried pods are given to children to kill intestinal worms. Bark is used in d
Habit : Shrub