Hedychium CORONARIUM Koenig

Synonym : Amomum filiforme Hunter ex Ridl.
Gandasulium coronarium (J.Koenig) Kuntze
Hedychium chrysoleucum Hook.
Hedychium prophetae Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.
Bangla Name : Dolon chapa.
English Name : Common ginger lily, Garland flower.
Family : Zingiberaceae
Disease : Fever and anthelmintic.
Description : A tall, rhizomatous herb with leafy stem, up to 1.7 m high. Leaves about 30 cm long, oblong or oblong-lanceolate. Spike 15-30 cm long, compact. Flowers large, white fragrant, corolla tube 7.6 cm long, segments half as long as the tube, staminodes about 5 cm long, oblong-lanceolate, lip broad, shallowly bifid, distinctly clawed. Capsule oblong, orange inside.
Distribution : Cultivated all over the country as an ornamental plant.
Chemical Constituents : Plant extract contains furanoid diterpene hedychenone (Asolkar et al., 1992). Rhizome contains 0.25% essential oil, which contains eucalyptol. Leaf contains 0.09% essential oil (Rastogi & Mehrotra, 1990, Yusuf, 1999). Rhizome also contains about 39% starc
Uses : Decoction of the rhizome is prescribed in fever. In Hawaii, flowers and roots are used in foetid nostrils. Essential oil from rhizome is anthelmintic. Plant extract is anti-inflammatory.
Habit : Herb