Gloriosa SUPERBA L.

Synonym : Clinostylis speciosa Hochst.
Eugone superba (L.) Salisb.
Gloriosa angulata Schumach.
Gloriosa nepalensis G.Don
Methonica grandiflora Hook.
Bangla Name : Ulatchandal, Bishlanguli, Bilambuli, Agnishikha.
English Name : Malabar Glory Lily, Superb Lily.
Family : Liliaceae
Disease : Tonic, stomachic,anthelmintic, gastrointestinal,vomiting, neuralgia,pains ,abortifacient, colic, chronic ulcers and piles.
Description : A herbaceous glabrous branching climber. Leaves sessile, 7.5-15 cm long, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, ending in a cirrhate tip. Flowers large, axillary, solitary or subcorymbose towards the ends of the branches, petals 6.3 cm long, linear-lanceolate with crispy waved margins, greenish at first, then yellow, passing through orange and scarlet to crimson. Capsules 4.5 cm long, oblong, 3-lobed.
Distribution : Chittagong and some other district (rare).
Chemical Constituents : Tubers, seeds and flowers contain the alkaloid, colchicines, as the major constituent. They also contain a number of colchicines derivatives, neutral phenolic substances, luteolin, ?-sitosterol, its glucosides, ?-& ?-lumicolchicines, 2–OH-6-MeO benzoic ac
Uses : The tubers are tonic, stomachic and anthelmintic in small doses, intensely poisonous in larger doses. It is a gastrointestinal irritant and may cause vomiting and purging, used externally for parasitic skin diseases and in cataplasm for neuralgia. Sometim
Habit : Climber