Garuga PINNATA Roxb.

Synonym : Garuga pharhad Buch.-Ham.
Garuga pinnata var. obtusa Engl.
Guaiacum abilo Blanco
Bangla Name : Ghogar, Nilbhadi, Jeolbhadi, Dabdubi, Joom, Pahari Jiga, Silbhadi, Katrang bhadi, Kharapata, (Chittagong), Kapila, Lalmila (Dhaka), Engla, Hengela (Sylhet). , Moroung-shisha (Mogh), Agri, Chidampha (Garo).
English Name : -
Family : Burseraceae
Disease : Astringent,asthma,diarrhoea and pulmonary affections.
Description : A medium-sized to large deciduous tree. Leaves imparipinnate 15-45 cm long, leaflets 13-21, up to 15 cm long, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, oblique, crenate. Flowers small, yellow, in much branched axillary tomentose panicles, several together at the ends of the branches. Drupes black, fleshy, size of a gooseberry, edible.
Distribution : Forests of Chittagong, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Cox’s Bazar, Habiganj, Moulvi Bazar, Dhaka, Tangail (Madhupur
Chemical Constituents : Leaves contain amentoflavone. Stem bark extract gave positive tests for steroids, terpenes, alkaloids, flavonoids and saponins. An euphane triterpene alcohol has been isolated from this plant (Ghani, 2003).
Uses : Using information: Leaf juice is astringent, given with honey in asthma, also given along with the leaf juice of Adhatoda zeylanica and Vitex trifolia. Fruits are stomachic and expectorant, given in diarrhoea in Rema-Kalenga. Stem juice dropped into the
Habit : Tree.