Eichhornia CRASSIPES (Mart.) Solms.

Synonym : Eichhornia crassicaulis Schltr.
Heteranthera formosa Miq.
Piaropus mesomelas Raf.
Pontederia crassipes Mart.
Bangla Name : Kachuripana, Jarmuni.
English Name : Water-hyacinth.
Family : Pontederiaceae
Disease : -
Description : Aquatic, free floating herb, sending down a large bunch of long fibrous roots from a very short, leafy, main stem. Petioles spongy, very much swollen in young plants. Leaf-blades broadly ovate or rhomboid, shallowly cordate or rounded at the base, quite glabrous. Inflorescence spiciform, erect, peduncled, bearing 10-20 showy flowers, petals 6, lilac-blue, posterior lobe with a bright yellow median blotch.
Distribution : Throughout the country in ditches, lakes and ponds.
Chemical Constituents : Root contains bound auxin. Plant releases mercury. Flowers yield anthocyanin - eichhornin, characterized as delphinidin-3-diglucoside. Flowers and rhizomes contain quercetin, compesterol, ?-sitosterol & stigmasterol (Asolkar et al., 1992). Fresh leaves co
Uses : For the treatment of goiter the plant juice is given orally and poultice of the plant pulp externally for three months. Shoot extract showed gibberellin-like activity.
Habit : Herb