Dysoxylum HAMILTONII Hiern.

Synonym : Guarea alliaria Ham.
Bangla Name : Chotarata, Raunipoma, Pitraj (Chittagong), Rata (Sylhet).
English Name : -
Family : Meliaceae
Disease : Pain.
Description : A large evergreen tree with spreading crown. Leaves erect, pinnate, 40-50 cm long, leaflets 10-18, oblong, acuminate, very oblique, 10 cm long. Pannicle lax, axillary, shorter than the leaves, flowers small, greenish white.
Distribution : Forests of Chittagong, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Cox’s Bazar and Sylhet.
Chemical Constituents : -
Uses : The bark is used internally for pain in the stomach.
Habit : Tree