Putranjiva roxburghii Wall.

Synonym : Drypetes roxburghii (Wall.) Hurus.
Nageia putranjiva Roxb.
Putranjiva amblyocarpa Müll.Arg.
Pycnosandra timorensis Blume
Bangla Name : Putranjib, Jia puta.
English Name : -
Family : Euphorbiaceae
Disease : Biliousness, thirst, burning sensations, erysipelas, elephantiasis, cold, fever and rheumatism.
Description : An evergreen low tree with pendent branches. Leaves coriaceous, 6.3-10 cm long, dark green, shining, elliptic-oblong, acute, obtuse, shortly acuminate. Male flowers crowded in axillary clusters on the main or on short axillary branches. Female flowers 1-3 in an axil. Drupe small, 1.3-2 mm long, ellipsoid, rounded or pointed at the apex
Distribution : Chittagong, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Dhaka, Sylhet, Rajshahi, different Sal forests and planted as avenue tree.
Chemical Constituents : Fruit pulp contains a large quantity of mannitol, a saponin glucoside and an alkaloid. Seeds contain fatty oil. Kernel contains an essential oil with mustard smell, isothiocyanate yielding glycosides, glucoputranjivin, glucocochlearin, glucojiaputin and g
Uses : The plant is laxative, diuretic, aphrodisiac, useful in biliousness, thirst, burning sensations, erysipelas and elephantiasis, also good for eyes. Decoction of leaves, fruits and stones of the fruits are given in cold, fever and rheumatism.
Habit : Tree