Dipterocarpus GRACILIS Bl.

Synonym : Anisoptera palembanica Miq.
Dipterocarpus angustialatus Heim
Dipterocarpus hispidus Fern.-Vill.
Dipterocarpus velutinus S.Vidal
Bangla Name : Duli-garjan, Sil-garjan, Arjan, Dhuli-garjan (Chittagong).
English Name : -
Family : Dipterocarpaceae
Disease : Gonorrhoea.
Description : A tall tree. Leaves 10-26 cm long, elliptic, elliptic-oblong or elliptic-lanceolate, acute or abruptly acuminate, coriaceous, upper surface adpressed hairy when young, lower surface pilose and tomentose. Flowers in axillary few flowered racemes, petals 2.5-4.0 cm long, stellate-tomentose without. Fruit-belly subglobose, wings 11-12.5 cm long.
Distribution : Occurance is restricted in the forests of Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Chemical Constituents : Plant contains sesquiterpene, ?-gurjunene, oleoresin, a mixture of tetra and pentacyclic sesquiterpenes (18%) containing caryophyllene, its oxide, humulene and triterpene fraction ( 80%) with dipterocarpol and several related compounds, asiatic acid and i
Uses : Oleo-resin of the bark is used in gonorrhoea, gleet and similar affections of urinary organs.
Habit : Tree