Desmodium HETEROCARPON (L.) A. DC.

Synonym : Desmodium buergeri Miq.
Desmodium toppinii Schindl.
Hedysarum polycarpum Poir.
Meibomia heterocarpa (L.) Kuntze
Bangla Name : -
English Name : -
Family : Fabeceae
Disease : Coughs.
Description : An erect or suberect undershrub, 0.6-1.5 m high. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets ovate-cuneate, rounded at the apex. Flowers purple, in dense axillary and terminal subsessile racemes, 2.5-7.5 cm long. Pods 12-20 mm long, indented and dehiscing along the lower suture.
Distribution : In most of the districts in fallow lands.
Chemical Constituents : -
Uses : Plant is used in fainting and convulsion. Decoction of the plant is considered tonic and used in coughs. EtOH (50%) extract of the aerial parts of the plant is spasmogenic (Asolkar et al.,1992). Alcoholic extract showed significant analgesic activity,
Habit : Under shrub