Dendrocalamus STRICTUS (Roxb.) Nees.

Synonym : Bambos stricta Roxb.
Bambusa stricta (Roxb.) Roxb.
Dendrocalamus strictus var. prainianus Gamble
Nastus strictus (Roxb.) SM.
Bangla Name : Karail, Lathi bans.
English Name : Bamboo, Solid Bamboo
Family : Poaceae
Disease : Cooling, tonic and astringent.
Description : A deciduous densely tufted bamboo with strong stems, 6-15 m high and 2.5-7.5 cm diam. Leaves up to 25 cm long, base rounded, gradually narrowed upwards into an acuminate twisted point. Inflorescesce a large branching panicle of dense globular heads.
Distribution : Cultivated in homesteads.
Chemical Constituents : -
Uses : Silicious matter found near the joints is used as a cooling, tonic and astringent medicine. Leaves are ecbolic to animals.
Habit : Herb