Curcuma AMADA Roxb.

Synonym : Curcuma amada var. glabra Velay.
Asha & Maya
Bangla Name : Amada.
English Name : Mango ginger
Family : Zingiberaceae
Disease : Cooling, appetizer, stomachic, carminative, antipyretic, aphrodisiac, laxative, biliousness, bronchitis, asthma, hiccup, skin diseases, diuretic, maturant, emollient, expectorant, astringent, diarrhoea, gleet, lumbago and stomatitis.
Description : A leafy rhizomatous herb, rhizome pale yellow inside, smell like green mango. Leaves long-peliolate, in tufts, the blade 30-45 cm long, oblong-lanceolate. Flowers in dense spike, 7.5-15 cm long, in the centre of the tuft of leaves. Flowering bracts greenish white, coma bracts tinged with pink or red.
Distribution : Dhaka.
Chemical Constituents : d-?-Pinene, d-camphor, 1-?-curcumene as hydrochloride, d-curcumene, phytosterol have been isolated from rhizomes (Rastogi & Mehrotra, 1990)
Uses : Rhizome is cooling, appetizer, stomachic, carminative, antipyretic, aphrodisiac and laxative, useful in biliousness, bronchitis, asthma, hiccup, all kinds of itching and skin diseases. Roots are diuretic, maturant, emollient, expectorant, astringent, usef
Habit : Herb